Tuesday, August 9, 2011


1. A database is an organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form. database implies that the data is managed to some level of quality (measured in terms of accuracy, availability, usability, and resilience) and this in turn often implies the use of a general-purpose Database management system (DBMS).
2. File maintenance technique refers to the procedures that keep data current. Validation technique is the process of comparing data with a set of rules or values to find out if the data is correct.
  • Character it can be a number, letter,punctuation mark and other symbols.
  • Field it is a combination of related character or bytes.
  • Record is a group of files.
  • File is a collection of related records stored in a storage medium.
4.A data dictionary, as defined in the IBM Dictionary of Computing, is a "centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format.". A File maintenance is a data-processing operation in which a master file is updated on the basis of one or more transaction files. A Data security is the means of ensuring that data is kept safe from corruption and that access to it is suitably controlled. A backup or the process of backing up is making copies of data which may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.
5. In File processing approach each department or area within an organization has its own set of data files.Two major weaknesses of file processing systems are redundant data and isolated data while in Database approach many programs and users share the data in a database. The database approach reduces data redundancy, improves data integrity, shares data, permits easier access, and reduces development time.A database, however, can be more complex than a file processing system, requiring special training and more computer memory, storage, and processing power. Data in a database also can be more vulnerable than data in file processing system.
  • Relational database, stores data in tables that consists of rows and columns. Each row has a primary key and each column has a unique name.
  • Object-oriented database (OODB) stores data in objects;often use an object query language to manipulate and retrieve data.
  • Multidimensional database stores data in dimensions;allows users to access and analyze any view of the database data and no standard query language exists.
7. A Web database links to a form on a Web page. To access data in a Web database, you fill on the form or enter search text on a Web page. A Web database usually resides on a database server, which is a computer that store and provides access to a database.
8.Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as Information Security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users.
Cybercrime Perpetrators

  • Hacker refers to a computer programmer who is able to create usable computer programs where none previously existed.
  • Cracker is a variation of hacker , with the analogy equal to a safe cracker. Some individuals use the term cracker in an attempt to differentiate from the honorable computer programmer definition of hacker.
  • Script kiddy is an individual who executes computer scripts and programs written by others. Their motive is to hack a computer by using someone else’s software. Examples include password decryption programs and automated access utilities. 
  • Corporate Spy - have excellent computer and networking skills and are hired to break into a specific computer and steal its proprietary data and information.
  • Unethical employee - break into their employers' computer for a variety of reasons. Some simply want to exploit security weakness.
  • Cyberextortionist - is someone who uses e-mail as a vehicle for extortion. These perpetrator s send an organization a threatening e-mail message indicating they will expose confidential information, exploit a security flaw, or launch an attack that will compromise the organization s network - if they are not paid of a sum of money.
  • Cyber-terrorist - a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism.
9. Database Analysts and Database Administrators are responsible for managing and coordinating all database activities.
Database Analysts (DA) - focuses on the meaning and usage of data. The DA decides on the placement of fields, defines the relationships among data, and identifies user's access privilege.
Database Administrators (DBA) requires a more technical inside view of the data. The DBA creates and maintains the data dictionary, manages data security, monitors database performance, and checks backup and recovery procedures. 

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